DELUXE license

The purchaser own full rights for the item: 100.000L$ and up

The package includes:
- DAE flies
- AO and reflection maps
- UV map
- Alpha guide and alpha basic
- PSD template (5.000L$ additional)

Terms and conditions for DELUXE copyright license:

- The item belongs exclusively to one purchaser
- Items can be sold or given as freebie without any terms, conditions or limits
- Items can be sold full perm only by the purchaser unless he decides otherwise
- The items may be sold at any price seen fit to the purchaser
- The purchaser may sell the item as fashion kit or builder’s kit.
- The creator renounces to all rights on the purchased item for use on second life or on any other grid.
- Please note that these terms and conditions are subject to change without any prior notice.

Can I sell these items in Second Life without modifications?
- Yes you can sell the item as it is with “Copy / Modify / Transfer” permissions in Second Life and any other grid.